A device used to manage the movement of surface water into and out of an attenuation facility, eg a weir.

Design and consideration of above-ground areas that act as pathways permitting water to run safely over land to minimise the adverse effect of flooding. This is required when the design capacity of the drainage system has been exceeded.

Land adjacent to a watercourse that would be subject to repeated flooding under natural conditions (see Environment Agency's Policy and practice for the protection of flood plains for a fuller definition).

The probability of a flowrate being equalled or exceeded in any year.

The initial runoff from a site or catchment following the start of a rainfall event. As runoff travels over a catchment it will pick up or dissolve pollutants and the "first flush" portion of the flow may be the most contaminated as a result. This is especially the case in small or more uniform catchments, however, in larger or more complex catchments pollution wash-off may contaminate runoff throughout a rainfall event.

The act of removing sediment or other particles from a fluid by passing it through a filter.

A vegetated area of gently sloping ground designed to drain water evenly off impermeable areas and filter out silt and other particulates.

A linear drain consisting of a trench filled with a permeable material, often with a perforated pipe in the base of the trench to assist drainage, to store and conduct water, but may also be designed to permit infiltration.

Flood estimation handbook, produced by Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford (formerly the Institute of Hydrology)

The number of occurrences of a certain phenomenon per unit time.

A drain or sewerage system that has been designed to carry only foul sewage.

Waterborne waste of domestic or industrial origin excluding rainwater and surface water.

Typical variation of discharge of a waterway usually over an annual or seasonal period.

Landmark report in the UK for catchment hydrology. (institute of Hydrology 1975).

A pond constructed for the purpose of temporary storage of stream flow or surface runoff, which releases the stored water at controlled rates.

A gate that opens to let water out but prevents water entering back into the system.

The initial discharge of active sediments and pollutants of a generally higher than average concentration of pollutant caused by rainfall.